Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sharing is healing

During my pregnancy and on my journey as a new mama I have been so blessed with sisters who have opened up, and opened me up in return. I used to be one of those women who tried to hold it all in and hold it all together, then I would fall apart for a moment, lose control and restart the unhealthy cycle. I would be there for those I love, and give, and give, and give of myself until I was depleted and then "acted" STRONG. 

Becoming a mama has brought me to a place where "acting" strong is no longer an option and depleting myself is no longer acceptable. When the great responsibility of creating life hit me in the chest and gut, I began revisiting my past and planning for the future. It was too much for me to hold in. I chose to see the creation of life and the birth of our daughter as a rebirth of myself. I began sharing with the women around me who I knew were safe and real. When I was scared about becoming a mama, I shared and was told by an elder mother of 6 that she was scared when she was pregnant too. I shared my fears, my tears, my doubts, my joys, my anger and my love. 

For the first time, I shared the depths of my pain and depression and was met with empathy, hugs, love and compassion. I learned that I was not alone in my experience. Sharing was healing for me. My sisters let me know that I was safe and reminded me that the same God that brought me through my past, is the same God that will bring me through the present and the future. Now, I know that there is strength in sharing. 

As women, we are carriers. We hold and birth life through our wombs. In order to give birth to the greatness inside of us, we must first make space for ourselves. Sharing our deepest truths creates healing and bonding. This allows us to grow and birth our gifts. 

When we stop sharing, our relationships die and our spirits can too.

I am healing through sharing! Try it, it's amazing!

1 comment:

  1. That's so beautiful... Sharing is an ultimate healing.
